2025 Camp Dates: Sunday, June 15 to Saturday, June 21

Camp Leadership

Harrisburg Area Confirmation Camp Directors

Rev. Aaron Erdley

Director of Harrisburg Area Confirmation Camp

“I grew up, went to college and seminary in Pennsylvania. I was ordained in 2005. I have served congregations in Pennsylvania and Nebraska, and currently serves as the Lead Pastor at Trindle Spring Lutheran Church in Mechanicsburg, PA. My first experience with Confirmation Camp was when my oldest daughter started to attend in 7th grade. I joined the staff in the summer of 2021, and I am currently serving as the Camp Director. I first came to camp because I needed to come for the youth of my congregation who were attending, and quickly I needed confirmation camp as much as they did.”

Michelle Stank

Assistant Director for Administration

“I have been coming to camp since 2000 (my GGP year) and have only missed 2 years since (the year each of my kids were born). I have gone through camp, been a counselor, am a staff member in the MBC track, and for many years been the Assistant Director of Administration for Harrisburg Area Confirmation Camp. This camp has given me some of the greatest joy and love in my life. In my home congregation in Linglestown, I help with the Sunday School program, make food for our monthly breakfasts, and am involved in youth and family ministry. I am a registered nurse and work at Penn State Health with the Pediatric population.”

Sarah Williams

Assistant Director for Operations

Sarah has been a member of the Harrisburg Area Confirmation Camp community since 2006 when she joined the camp staff as the youth director from Memorial Lutheran, Shippensburg. Since then, she has worked primarily with the LT track at camp and has served as LT track co-chair for many years. She currently attends camp with Palm Lutheran, Palmyra, where her husband, Michael, is the youth director. Outside of camp, Sarah works as the Secondary Instructional Coach for Mechanicsburg Area Senior High School, a role she moved into after teaching high school English for fifteen years. Sarah and Michael have two sons and live in Harrisburg. 

Harrisburg Area Confirmation Camp Board of Directors

The Board of Directors is responsible for managing the legal entity of the Harrisburg Area Confirmation Camp as a 501(c)(3), among many other duties. The board is elected by the member congregations of Harrisburg Area Confirmation Camp.

Justin Holmes


Justin Holmes is the President of the Harrisburg Area Confirmation Camp Board of Directors and co-chair of the Leadership Training Track at Camp. A participant in Confirmation Camp for over 25 years, Justin is proud to be a part of such a welcoming and inclusive camp where Christ’s message of love and servant leadership is taught and modeled. Justin believes that ‘Camp’ is more than just a week; but is a way of life meant to be woven into the broader experiences of all who participate. 

Casey McMillan


“Hello! I’m Casey McMillan, Vice President of the Board of Directors for Harrisburg Area Confirmation Camp. I have been involved with Confirmation Camp since 2000. I have served as a counselor, LT Staff, and MBC Staff. I am a member of Trindle Spring Lutheran Church where I also serve as one of the Youth Directors along with my wife, Elaine.”

Sarah Thompson


Sarah started attending Confirmation Camp in the 9th grade. She began her service on the Board of Directors in the early 2000s and has also been the registrar for Camp for many years. Sarah is the secretary of her church council and lives with her husband, daughter, and two cats in central PA. Her daughter already can’t wait to attend Confirmation Camp! 

Jeremy Railing


Jeremy grew up going to Camp Nawakwa, and he has been a member of the Harrisburg Area Confirmation Camp community for over twenty years.  He is a Penn State graduate working as a supply chain professional in the Harrisburg area.  Jeremy also serves as Youth Group Advisor at Palm Lutheran in Palmyra and plays the trumpet as a member of Spirit & Truth worship band.

Rev. Jillian Riddle


Pastor Jillian Riddle serves as Pastor at Epiphany Lutheran Church, Harrisburg and Associate Chaplain at Hershey Medical Center. Pastor Jillian attended Confirmation Camp as a youth, counselor, and staff before becoming a pastor. Over the years, she has served with almost every track, currently serving with the 6th grade Heroes track. 

Harrisburg Area Confirmation Camp Staff and Counselors

Harrisburg Area Confirmation Camp could not function without a dedicated group of volunteer staff and counselors who not only dedicate one week of their summer to camp every year, but spend time and energy the other 51 weeks of the year working to make Confirmation Camp the best it can be. Our volunteer staff is made up of youth workers and advisors, rostered ministers, teachers, and leaders of all kinds. Our counselors are young adults, most of whom have been campers at Confirmation Camp themselves! Our volunteer counselors and staff are selected to serve in a variety of roles at camp, and they must all have their PA clearances to work with children and youth in order to attend camp.